Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The dearest friends

We all have different kinds of friends: coworker friends, family friends, grade-school friends, church friends, best friends, etc. I have had many "best" friends throughout the years, and then I've had friends with whom I've spent most of my time, and sometimes those two groups are not even comprised of the same people. Because sometimes my best friends live far away or maybe they live in town but have 4 small children that keep them busy. So if time spent together does not determine the value of the friendship, what does?  

If we were to make a diagram of our circle of friends, some would end up in the innermost circle, others a little further out, and some on the outskirts. But what determines the circle position of these friends? 

For me, it's what is in their heart that places them in mine. Those that have wormed their way into the deepest parts of my heart would be those that serve the same King I serve. 

I have known many people, throughout the years, that have made an impact on my spiritual walk. Whether they still profess the same level of devotion or not is irrelevant to their dearness to me. A connection has been made and it is, apparently, unbreakable. 

Some of those dear friends have ended up hurting me at some point or another and yet I can't find myself holding a grudge. It's impossible. Forgiveness appears to be available regardless of the offense. 

I find myself awed by this type of human connection. There are friends with whom I haven't kept in touch for years and yet I periodically have dreams of heaven and they're always there and I can hardly wait to embrace them. Other times, I can know a person for a very short period of time and yet they feel like a brother or a sister because we've shared testimony or prayer or service in the name of Jesus. 

So if you have ever prayed with me, served with me, defended the name of Jesus to me, or shared your spiritual journey or testimony with me, know that you are incredibly precious to me.  If I could count down the days till we can experience unity with Jesus for eternity, I would. But there is no count down, just a count on.  And so I'm counting on you to feed the need for Jesus in whatever you do. Seek Him. Seek to glorify Him and share His love with everyone around you.  So that we can continue our friendship into eternity.

Isn't Jesus amazing to provide such an opportunity for unity in His name?  Heaven is about Jesus, for sure, but it's also about wholeness in Him. And without the whole body of believers, it just wouldn't be the same.  He created us so He could share His love with us. So heaven isn't just praise for Him, it's a completion of everything He ever dreamed. What better way to honor His heart and desires, than to foster human relationships with Him at the center. 

I love how the bonds of friendship within the followers of Jesus is so amazing, so satisfying, that nothing this world has to offer even compares!