Sunday, December 6, 2015

obstacles? what obstacles?

Some people believe that they can't take a step in a particular direction until they have everything lined up.  I heard one person tell me, once, that He could not give to others as God called him to give because he didn't have enough.  His response was so simple, "I'll give when I have enough."  What a foolish person he was to believe that any money he had belonged to him anyway.  But that's beside the point.  If God called him to give, trusting Him would not be the same as buying tickets to LegoLand with an empty bank account.  Since the call was from God, God would be the one to care for him.

As I was thinking about walking in God's direction, I remembered the story of Joshua and the Israelites, getting ready to cross the Jordan (Joshua 3).  I've always loved that story because they were preparing to cross the raging harvest river and didn't seem to have any qualms about it.  The Bible says that when their feet touched the edge of the water, the river suddenly opened up and provided them safe passage.

Did you catch that?  Their feet actually touched the water.  They were walking forward, without stopping.  It doesn't say that they waited on the bank of the river until the waters parted.  It clearly says that they were heading down towards the water.  But nowhere does it say that God told them ahead of time that He was going to part the rivers.  In fact, it says, When you reach the edge of the Jordan River, go into the water and stand there. (vs 8) And they were prepared to do it, too!

God is so wonderful, though.  He didn't wait until they were knee-deep in water before He provided a path.  He didn't require that kind of faith (as He required from Noah, sitting in a locked ark for 7 (!) long days before the first drop of water).   As soon as the Levite's toes touched the water, it was opened.

That's just incredible.  What faith those Levites had to step boldly onto a path that didn't even exist yet.  But the path was there, it was just covered by what they viewed as an obstacle - water.  But there are no obstacles for God, only opportunities to display His mighty love for us.

God is guiding.  Don't let apparent obstacles stand in your way of believing in possibilities.  Because God can erase the obstacles with just a whisper of His breath.

When you see [God's direction], you must move out from where you are and follow it.  Then you will know which way to go.  You have never gone this way before... Set yourselves apart to the Lord.  Tomorrow he'll do amazing things among you.  Joshua 3:3-5

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