Saturday, December 5, 2015

the love of a Husband

I woke up this morning with Proverbs 31 whispering in my mind's ear.  I hadn't read Proverbs 31 (woman of noble character) in a while.  It was one of my favorite chapters when I was seeking God on how to be a better woman and wife to Him and to my earthly husband.  A few years ago, I studied it in different versions, read books and devotionals on it and tried to consider how I could apply the knowledge in my own life, and asked God to work in my heart to make me what He wanted me to be.  And He did.  He changed my heart and actions in amazing ways.   (Just to be clear, my divorce is not evidence of God's lack of diligence in this area but an example of how rampant evil can be in this world.)  Anyway, since it's been almost 2 years since I've actually experienced the love of a husband, this chapter has been left to collect dust in the deep recesses of my mind.

But this morning, it came to mind again and so I decided to reread it.  I guess I had forgotten that this passage was written to the king's son so that he might find a "virtuous" wife.  That wasn't so fun to read since I'm no one's wife, but I continued reading anyway.  Then verses started popping up about how the husband has full confidence in her and how her husband is respected at the city gates and how her husband praises her.  And suddenly I felt that this chapter had little value for me except to remind me of the losses in my life.  I wasn't sure why I even bothered to read it.  It appeared that the Proverbs 31 woman was really only complete when she was part of the marriage unit and that just made me feel worse.

I hmmphh-ed and prepared to close the Bible page.  But then something caught my eye.  Many women do noble things but you surpass them all. Prov 31:29.  I know, for a fact, that I do not "surpass" all women as far as nobility is concerned and I'm sure many will attest to that fact.  But I recognized something in the spirit of those words.  Something that filled my heart with warmth and put a smile on my face.

You are altogether beautiful, my love.  There is no flaw in you.  Song of Solomon 4:7

Those words in Song of Solomon were offered to me by my Savior when I was struggling during the last two years.  He shared those words with me not once, not twice, but many times.  But He didn't just whisper them in my heart.  It happened when I opened my iPhone Bible randomly, searching for anything that could offer me hope and assurance and those were the words that showed up a few times.  After that, they were whispered over and over when I needed assurance of Jesus' love for me.

Now, I'm not foolish enough to believe I don't have flaws.  But the way that God looks at me makes me feel like I'm somehow perfect, everything He'd ever wished for.  That is what Love does and what Love is.  It gazes upon me as if I am absolute perfection.  True Love is blind to my shortcomings because true Love knows who I really am and how I was made in the image of Love.

Once I realized that the husband in the passage was God, and not an earthly husband, I reread it with confidence, remembering that I did have an opportunity to be complete.  All my work and the effort of my hands are for my Husband, God, and His love motivates me and moves me and shapes me into the woman He has always wanted me to be.  I am the best version of myself when I stand next to His glorious being.

I glanced at the verses that referred to the husband in the passage and was pleased with the result when I inserted God's name in the place of husband.

[God] has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.  31:11

He has full confidence in me because He knows my heart is for Him, and Him alone.  Not because I won't mess up, ('cause I will.)

[God] is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.  31:23

What a beautiful picture this painted for me.  I saw the city gate as the doorway to my home and my life, and I visualized Him standing there where onlookers could see Him for miles around.  Oh, to have a home and a life where my devotion and pride in His position in my life could be evident as far as the eye can see!

And [God] praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."  31:28-29

What a lovely passage, indeed.  I believe this passage was placed on my heart, not so that I could think about what else I was lacking as a woman of noble character, but rather as a simple love note from my Lover.

I can't imagine a better way to start my Sabbath day.

And although I understand The Notebook is not exactly a spiritually-minded book, this love note caught my eye and is a fitting example of my love for God, my Lover and Husband.

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